Willow Bottlebrush (White)


Melaleuca salicina or Callistemon salignus
The pink to red new foliage and its creamy-white flowers are the best qualities of this very adaptable bottlebrush. This is one of the few bottlebrushes that grows into a tree and it can also tolerate waterlogged soils for extended periods as well as being drought tolerant should you get to the other extreme in your garden. The root system can become rather invasive so it is best to keep this plant at least ten metres away from any buildings.


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Melaleuca salicina or Callistemon salignus

The pink to red new foliage and its creamy-white flowers are the best qualities of this very adaptable bottlebrush. This is one of the few bottlebrushes that grows into a tree and it can also tolerate waterlogged soils for extended periods as well as being drought tolerant should you get to the other extreme in your garden. The root system can become rather invasive so it is best to keep this plant at least ten metres away from any buildings.
