Weeping Paperbark – Melaleuca leucadenrda


Fine Leaf Form. A slightly weeping habit and white papery bark gives this tree a decorative aspect. In autumn it bears a profusion of creamy-white flower spikes.

Useful for erosion control, thrives in full sun and in moist soil. Loves to be kept moist at all times. The flower are attractive to nectar feeding birds.

Advanced stock now Available now in 200mm pots.



Fine Leaf Form. A slightly weeping habit and white papery bark gives this tree a decorative aspect. In autumn it bears a profusion of creamy-white flower spikes.

Useful for erosion control, thrives in full sun and in moist soil. Loves to be kept moist at all times. The flower are attractive to nectar feeding birds.

When in full flower this tree exudes a honey like scent from its nectar and the tree hums with the presence of thousand of bees.

Advanced stock now Available now in 200mm pots.